Professional Work
January 2021 - Present
After working for Tiger Communications plc for over two years, I made the decision to break it out on my own and start my own company; a video game development studio by the name of SOVERAM.
With the goal of developing fun and engaging narrative-driven games, the business has since gone onto release its first commercial release, NIRAVASI, a Dark Adventure game about a cat archaeologist that finds himself stuck within an ancient ruined city.
Since starting up SOVERAM, I have learned many things in regards to both directing a business and shipping out a viable product to a wider audience within the digital market. Furthermore, I have also dabbled within the realm of marketing for releasing NIRAVASI and have since been in contact within many individuals within the indie game scene.
While I am still currently working under the SOVERAM brand, I believe the nature of the company's management will not yield any negative results if I was to be hired by another business.
Graduate Graphic Designer
April 2018 - July 2020
I was hired by Tiger as a Graduate Graphic Designer, April 2018. 
Working under Tiger, my main responsibility involved the production of training videos for the company's native software packages, Tiger Prism and Tiger 2020. While I had some experience with working on video editing before, I had no industry-standard experience with the Adobe Creative Suite as a whole (only experimenting with it during my undergraduate days). I would go on to produce several tutorial videos for the company, resulting in the furthered success of the company's interests.
Additionally, I also worked with Tiger's Senior Graphic Designer and Engineers to produce content for all of the company's different departments, including leaflets, office documentation and promotional material. I often found these projects to be both the most difficult and enjoyable to work on, as they often required me to step out of my comfort zone and experiment with new ideas to achieve success. 
I thoroughly enjoyed my time working at Tiger and will always be thankful for the wonderful experiences and opportunities the teams there gave me.
Freelance Work
June 2014 - December 2020
After receiving my Bachelor's Degree, I took up freelance work to better improve my skills within the Graphic Design medium, as well as other life experiences in the hopes for any potential career offers made to me in
the future.
The biggest of these self-made projects was the development of a video game called BLANK, a strange action role-playing game about a young girl trying to save her odd world from an ancient evil. Developing the game proved to be one of the biggest challenges to face at the time, as I severely underestimated how much work would need to be put into it. The game was released on February 2016 to positive acclaim, with additional content being released later as the months went on. To this day, it still stands as one of my proudest achievements.
Other works included promotional material made for both my family and friends, as well as some other personal projects I worked on in my spare time. I'm very passionate about video games as a whole and love investing myself in both the business and culture of them.
News Presenter
February 2013 - June 2013
I was contacted on February 2013 by a YouTube-based network company known as Jungle Network TV to help produce a show called "This Week In Gaming", which was a featured within the Jungle Gamer TV Channel.
Together with another show producer, I would research and present various news articles within the games industry, including new releases, conference updates and any business-related announcements. The show would be released on a bi-weekly schedule, with certain exceptions being made for bigger conferences (such as the Sony Press Conference and E3). 
My work for Jungle Network TV ended as I had to take a break from working on the show to focus instead on my studies. Jungle Network TV dissolved shortly after this, and I was never offered another position to continue my work on the show.
(MSc) Mobile Media Application
September 2017 - September 2018
To better understand the Mobile marketplace and the impact smartphones have on both the video games industry and the lives around us, I enrolled for this course in September 2017. Here, I would go on to better understand and appreciate the passion I had with Graphic Design, as well as improve my skills in media production.
(BSc) Computer Games Technology
September 2011 - May 2014
With the goal of someday working within the video games industry, I would enrol myself within the Computer Games Technology course in the University of Portsmouth. Over the three years I spent here, I would go on to work on several projects with my colleagues, as well as improve my skills in media design. 
My greatest achievement was my work on an independent role-playing game, Stina & the Wolf RPG (based on a short film of the same name). As Lead Writer, I was responsible for crafting the story of the game, as well as other tooltips and instructions included. For my work, I received the Articy Draft Award for Best Game Design in 2014.
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